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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA ORTHODOXA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2006  

  Rezumat:  The Academic Graduates of the Orthodox Theological University Institute of Cluj (1948-1952). The great accomplishment of the unity of Transylvania with its Mother Country – Romania, from the 1st of December of 1918, was not only the beginning of a new life, in freedom and unity, within the northern counties of our country, but of real accomplishments for the Romanian from Transylvania, such as: the foundation of the Bishopric of Oradea (in 1920), the revival of the ancient Bishoprics of Vad and Feleac, with the residence in Cluj (1921) and the foundation of the Bishopric of the Army, with the residence in Alba Iulia (in 1921, too). Shortly after the foundation of the first two Bishoprics (of Oradea and Cluj), in order to teach the religion personnel there were founded two academic theological schools such as: The Orthodox Theological Academy of Oradea (in 1923) by the Bishop Roman Ciorogariu and The Orthodox Theological Institute of Cluj (in 1924) by the hierarch Nicolae Ivan. As the orthodox theological university education of Cluj is concerned, during 1924-1952, it had three stages regarding its academic development: 1. The Theological Institute (1924-1925) with three years studies; 2. The Theological Academy (1925-1948) with four years studies, with graduation diploma; 3. The Theological University Institute (1948-1952) with four years study, with academic degree diploma. After the liquidation of the Theological Institute, all the tenured professors of Cluj were transferred to the other two Theological Institutes of Bucharest and Sibiu, which were not liquidated, fact that entirely proves that the orthodox theology of Cluj reached its highest prestige that period. We will present the description of the graduates of The Orthodox Theologic University Institute during 1948-1952, out of which we will find out not only the thoroughness of the academic degree examination, but also the names of many outstanding clergies of our Church.  
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